Worldwide TRAFFIC Cams

Traffic Cams
Ireland - Belfast Urban Traffic Control Centre - Belfast - closed circuit television cameras monitor the capital city's roads and junctions. Cam 1 is the junction of Victoria Street and Chichester Street ; Cam 2 is at Grosvenor Road ; Cam 3 is the junction of Great Victoria Street and Howard Street ; Cam 4 is at Shaftesbury Square.
Ireland - Dublin 50 traffic cams located in Dublin Center, West and East. Thanks to the Dublin Corporation's website providing -- your "window to the traffic world." The reason for this is because the cameras are used primarily by the control room staff to monitor changes in traffic flows. To view a particular snapshot, click on the appropriate camera icon .
Portugal - Lisboa Motor Press Lisboa - features freeway maps and updated images. Aquário Vasco da Gama - Av. Marginal Lisboa - Cascais ; Universidade Independente - Av. Marechal Gomes da Costa ; Rotunda do Relógio (Aeroporto) and EXPO ; Ponte 25 Abril, Av. Ceuta, 2nd Circular Sentido Benfica-Aeroport ; Autoestrada A5.
France - Lyon 24/24 H vous pouvez suivre en direct le trafic au tunnel de Fourvière à Lyon.
Canada - Nova Scotia Wind speed and direction, pressure, humidity, rainfall, outside and pavement temperature... and the cam at Highway 103 at Trunk 10 (Exit 12), Bridgewater, Nova Scotia ; between Yarmouth and Halifax. Thanks to the Department of Transportation & Public Works.
Canada - Ontario An interesting and great web site (especially for motorists in the Greater Toronto Area), where they have "live" cameras monitoring the traffic on what is without a doubt "the busiest stretch of highway" in all of Canada. Highway 401 traffic camera homepage. To view current traffic conditions at any particular area along the highway, just click on the appropriate camera location on the map. More than 60 cams (!) around Pearson Int. Airport and Port Union. And controlled by operators at the Ministry of Transportation, can be rotated 360 degrees as well as zoomed, panned and tilted. The map is designed so that the location of the dots reflects the actual location of the camera poles along the highways. Therefore a dot that is located north of the highway means that the camera is located north of Highway 401.
Finland 24 Road weather cameras in Southern Finland, 6 Eastern, 21 Western, 9 Province of Oulu, 11 Province of Lapland.
Hawaii - Honolulu H-1 Freeway Traffic Camera System, Honolulu, HI. 68 cameras in operation for fantastic pictures and a locating map provided by the Honolulu Traffic Control Center. Thanks to Department of Civil Engineering, University of Hawaii at Mânoa, Honolulu, Island of Oahu. Cams are at Ala Moana, Beretania, Dillingham, H-1 Freeway, Kalakaua, Kalanianaole, Kalihi, Kapiolani, King, Nimitz, Punchbowl, University, Vineyard, Waialae, Ward and others.
Hawaii - Honolulu Freeway Traffic Camera System Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii.
USA - DE Wilmington. Trafficam - live views of a popular highway.
USA - ARIZONA Arizona Department of Transportation Trailmaster Cameras - looking at traffic in the Phoenix area. Interstate 10, 17, Loop 202/State Route 143, State Route 51.
USA - ARIZONA ADOT Road conditions - Phoenix - Arizona.
USA - ARIZONA Traffic Cams of the Arizona Department of Transport in Phoenix (M25-Freeway Management System). Choose among 44 different cameras available for full-screen pictures !!.
USA - CA Enter Highway 17 - view of Satellite Curve, approximately a mile down on the north side of the summit. It is the main highway connecting Silicon Valley with the Santa Cruz coastal area in California. There are approximately 62,000 vehicles traveling this route daily. It is a winding four lane asphalt paved highway maintained by CalTrans.
USA - CA LIVE San Francisco Bay Area TrafficCam. 680/242 Facing North and 680/Monument Facing South.
USA - CO LIVE Welcome to the City of Colorado Springs Transportation Traffic Engineering web page.
USA - Delaware From the Wilmington auto mall - Union Park Pennsylvania Av.
USA - ILLINOIS From high atop the LeClaire Hotel in Moline, this live view of the Mississippi River and I-74 Bridge traffic, riverboats, pleasure boats and barges on the Mississippi.
USA - LOUISIANA This traffic cam image is captured from the camera atop the Hilton Hotel on Interstate 10/12 in Baton Rouge at the time indicated.
USA - MARYLAND Montgomery County, MD , Maryland Department of Public Works and Transportation. Many Live Traffic Camera Shots above Washington D.C. - you can click the map to zoom, or choose a road or a cam in the list. Germantown, Rockville, Bethesda, Silver Spring, I-270, I-495, MD 355, MD 28, Connecticut Ave. MD 185, East-West Hwy. MD 410, Georgia Ave., River Rd. MD 190, US 29.
USA - NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte : FiberCam (courtesy of Time-Warner Telecom) is located at the intersection of I-485 and I-77 several miles south of Uptown Charlotte.
USA - N.Y. The Brooklyn Bridge Live Camera, a new image on every access!. Catch a car going by and add meaning to your life. Streaming view of traffic and the Brooklyn Bridge, New York City.
USA - N.Y. The Cab-Cam. Live from the streets of New York !!. "I love this town - and so will you!. So take a seat in my Internet Cab and let me show you New York City from my point of view", Clever Da Silva says. Wonderful idea...
USA - OHIO Cincinnati - Brent Spence Bridge Cam. Fort Washington Way Cam. The Fort Washington Way mainline view. Skycam9 sits high atop the One Lytle Place Apartments building. The Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art Construction Cam.
USA - Oklahoma KJRH TV - Tulsa - I44 from the Weather Center.
USA - OREGON Fantastic !!. Oregon Department of Transportation : More than 60 Traffic Road Cams !!. Click on a camera icon to see the image in a pop up window. All the thumbnails can be enlarged and commented and explained.
USA - OREGON Oregon traffic cams. Click on a camera icon to see the image in a pop up window.
USA - OREGON Oregon Department of Transportation : Mount Hood Hwy26, Santiam Pass Summit Hwy20, Highway 97 and North Division in Bend, Highway 97 at LaPine (Looking South)
USA - PA In the Greater Pittsburgh area, the Parkway West CAM is located in the offices of WDVE-FM. The view is from the top of Green Tree Hill, a well known point along the Parkway West, looking west toward the Borough of Carnegie. From here, where traffic begins to back up, it is approximately 2 miles to Downtown Pittsburgh and 14 miles to the Pittsburgh International Airport. Thanks to on TV.
USA - TX Ferrycam : Bainbridge Island, Washington. Camera location: Bainbridge Valet Auto Repair.
USA - TX Live in Dallas. Three traffic views from the Texas Transportation Institute. Click pictures.
USA - UTAH Around Salt Lake City. 10 traffic cams controlled from KSL studio.
USA - Washington Seattle... more than 70 cameras covering I-5, I-405, I-90. Welcome to the Puget Sound Area Traffic Cameras website, brought to you by the Northwest Region of the Washington State Department of Transportation. Here, you are given access to cameras strategically located around the greater Seattle area. To view a particular snapshot, click on the appropriate camera icon (if using the clickable map - Seattle / Tacoma).
USA - WISCONSIN Milwaukee traffic cams at I-94, I-43, I-894.
Hawaii - Honolulu Freeway Traffic Camera System Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Hawaii - Honolulu Freeway Traffic Camera System H-1 Freeway, Honolulu, Hawaii. 68 fantastic pictures and a locating map provided by the Honolulu Traffic Control Center.

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